Monday, April 23, 2012

A most efficient teacher

Murray could never fathom why his father, Pete Fraser, who had attended Normal School (teachers' college) in Ontario, chose instead to homestead and farm out on the prairies.

Pete's two sisters Jessie (1878-1955) and Annie Belle (1892-1974), however, certainly dedicated themselves to teaching. Annie Belle had a very long career, and taught in several small towns. One of her better students (in La Riviere, we believe) was Hazel Stevens.

Annie Belle Fraser with her young students, in Gunton or Gilbert Plains, Manitoba

Below: a letter of reference from the principal of the La Riviere school, re-copied in Aunt Annie's hand.
Recommendation from ex-principal Mrs. Marjory Smith, BA, dated May 5, 1936
 Below: a selection of portraits of the independent and very capable young teacher.